Is psychoanalysis for me?


That depends.

On your level of curiosity, mainly. On your tenacity. And on your preparedness to discover things about yourself that may not be what you expected.

If something about yourself is troubling you, puzzling you, disturbing you, or simply intriguing you, and if you feel that it is time to get to the bottom of it, that perhaps this is the only way of moving forward, then psychoanalysis may be for you.

You may have questions and concerns. These are things we can work with; they may even have something to do with who you are and what your unconscious is up to. Initial meetings are a good place to talk about doubts of any sort without any obligation to commit to an ongoing analysis or therapy.

Finally, whether psychoanalysis works for you or not will depend on you finding an analyst/ therapist that is a good fit for you. This can be hard, it can take time and sometimes several attempts. But there is no point working with someone who you are fundamentally uncomfortable with. Formal qualifications are one factor, but certainly not the only one. Ask your questions and trust your instinct (but don’t give up!).